T-SQL Tuesday #59 – My Hero

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Thank you Tracy McKibben (B | T) for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday party. For those of you that do not know T-SQL Tuesday was started by Adam Machanic (B | T) in 2009. If you feel like hosting 1 of these monthly events drop Adam a line. This month’s topic is My Hero.

When I first saw this I was not sure how I would do my post for this Month. I guess the beauty of this is that everyone has a slightly different view of things and all of my fellow bloggers for T-SQL Tuesday provide such a great wide spread view of the various topics that come up.

I am not sure if I can actually remember growing up having a Hero or not. From my professional career with SQL Server I am probably a late bloomer. Even though I have been working with SQL Server for over 15 years now, I would probably say that I was more interested in other activities outside of work instead of learning my trade and becoming better and broadening my knowledge of the SQL Server Stack. Like many of you possibly I have had a number of jobs and it has not been until more recent times that I started to understand the value of learning more about the technology that I work with. Once I realized this, my eyes were opened to a completely different world and as such I guess this can be where it starts for me on this topic.

Like a lot of you when looking to learn I go looking for Blog posts around a particular topic I am trying to learn about or resolve a solution to a problem that I am faced with. In my travels this led me to some pretty big names in the #SQLFamily who have some wonderful knowledge of the product stack and share this knowledge. I did not know who a lot of these people were. I then had the opportunity to go over to Seattle for the  SQL PASS Summit, and it was here that I was able to meet and see in person some of these inspiring SQL Server Professionals. From this point I started my own journey of becoming a Microsoft Certified Master and as part of that Journey, the Master Trainers that I met as well as some of my fellow trainees who helped me along the way (And I regard them as Hero’s) who have changed my professional life.

To so many of you a Hero can come in the most un-obvious way. I would like to put a big thank you to all of those people who helped me along my own professional journey as you are all Hero’s.

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I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting. When I am not working with the SQL Server Stack I like to get away to the Snow and spend time Snowboarding.
