SQL Server Blog

DNN 7.03.04 Upgrade

December 18th, 2014

The process to upgrade your DNN website may not seem obvious so this post takes you through the steps to follow to upgrade your existing DNN website to version 7.03.04. Review your current settings first and confirm the upgrade supportability before undertaking your upgrade.

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Site Redirection with DNN Extension URL Providers

August 12th, 2014

Recently I have been doing a lot of work with my new site and need to do some consolidation work of my old Blog site to have all of my previous blogs redirected to my new site to allow me to keep the links and rankings that had been accumulated on the old site. My friend Bruce Chapman (B|T) wrote a nice little DNN extension – DNN Url Redirect Provider is available for download from codepex.

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DNN 7.03.01 CMS Platform Upgrade

July 3rd, 2014

Every now and again I do a post about DNN as this is the platform that my site runs on. Some of you may be aware that recently there was a new version released on codeplex. Version 7.3.1 – Version Upgrade is available for download if you are running on a previous versions and would like to upgrade your site. If you would like an easy upgrade then you can follow along with the steps I have outlined in this post.

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Setting FavIcon for your DNN Portal

February 26th, 2012

Setting your FavIcon.ico file for your DNN site can improve the professional appearance of your site. Creating your own Icon is very simple, but changing the setting in your DNN admin settings may not work depending on the version of DNN you are running. This blog will take you through how to change your FavIcon.ico in DNN 6.

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Hi, I'm Warwick Rudd, I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting.
In my blog I will look at all things SQL Server as well as some things outside of the SQL Server relm but hopefully you will find them helpful and interesting.
