SQLSaturday 509 Brisbane

Precon - Power BI From Rookie to Rockstar

Views 1294

SQLSaturday 509 is back in town in Brisbane on Saturday 28th May, 2016. As part of this annual event we have 2 precon events on Friday 27th May, for you to register for to broaden your learning ability.

This year we are bringing you Power BI Rookie to Rockstar by Reza Rad to take you on your journey with Power BI.

Registrations are open for the event, so take advantage of the early bird prices of $265.00 for this full day of Power BI training. More information about the pre-con event are available on the registrations page.

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I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting. When I am not working with the SQL Server Stack I like to get away to the Snow and spend time Snowboarding.
