SQL Server Compression Estimation

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Previously I blogged about the release of the Compression Estimation Tool available for download from CodePlex. To read more about how to get this tool and how to use it have a look at SQL Server Compression Estimator Tool.

In today’s market place the constant pressure to improve performance and save costs, we need to look at ways we can achieve this. Microsoft SQL Server allows us to achieve this, by using Compression. Compression in SQL Server comes in a couple of forms – Data & Backup.

In this presentation we will look at the How, When, What, Where & Why Compression can help you.

  • How – Save Time & Money
  • When – Did this all come about
  • What – TSQL & SSMS & Compression Estimation Tool
  • Where – Databases & Backups
  • Why – Reduced Space Usage, Reduced IO, Reduced Processing Time, Reduction in Expenditure

I will presenting at the following SQL Server User Groups

  • Qld SSUG on Thursday 25 August 2011
  • Hobart SSUG on Thursday 15 September 2011
  • Melbourne SSUG on Tuesday 20 September 2011
  • Canberra SSUG on Tuesday 4 October 2011

My power point presentation is available for you to view.

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I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting. When I am not working with the SQL Server Stack I like to get away to the Snow and spend time Snowboarding.
