Our DevOPs introductory course will help you develop a good working knowledge of the concepts of DevOPs, covering the foundation of it, what it looks like in the real-world, how to avoid some of the obstacles and how you can transform your organisation using DevOPs.
This one day workshop is based on our experience of working with leading organisations in a variety of business sectors. It is a combination of the theory behind DevOPs and the real-world implementations of DevOPs practices. The course is interactive, it’s not just about sitting there listening/watching the instructor. Our aim is to help you gain enough understanding of the principles to apply them in your organisation and that requires you to participate too.
The outcome of the course is for you to look at how to jump-start your own implementation of DevOPs principles and practices.
Course Outline
In this one (1) day course we will teach you:
- The principles and agile foundations behind DevOPs
- Why DevOPs organisations have a competitive advantage
- The 3 ways of DevOPs
- How the opposing drivers of DEV (rapid change) and OPs (stability) can be integrated under DevOPs
- How Culture, Automation, Lean, Metrics and Sharing can assist your teams
- The concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
- The concepts of blameless post-mortems
- How DevOPs can be applied at scale
- How to adopt DevOps in your organisation
Who this course is for:
This course will relate to both management and technical people alike, it will provide the guidelines on how to start transforming your organisation. After completing the course you will have a good understanding of the foundation, principles and practices of DevOPs. You will be able to continue your journey towards transforming your organisation using the learnt methodologies.