SQLSaturday 509 Brisbane

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The SQLSaturday show is coming to Brisbane again in 2016. It is time for you to put a reminder in your calendar for Saturday 28th May, 2016. Your free day of SQL Server and Business Intelligence (BI) Training from some  International and Australian SQL Server experts.  Apart from the sessions, this is a great day for you to meet and talk to like minded SQL Server and BI professionals as well as network with some Data Platform MVP’s (Formerly known as SQL Server MVP’s) and Microsoft Certified Masters (MCM’s). This year the SQLSaturday Brisbane Admin team are following on from the success of 2015’s event with providing 2 Pre-cons (stay tuned for what pre-cons are on this year) on Friday 27th May, 2016.

This year we are changing venues and we are taking the entire 28th Floor at 400 George Street, Brisbane. Yes that is right. We are taking the entire floor at Microsoft this year. We will have 3 tracks of standard sessions for the day, but stay tuned for possibly something different keep you interested.

For those of you who may like to jump into speaking, sessions submissions are open – Session Submission.

Registrations are open for you to get your seat at this great day’s event – Registrations.

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I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting. When I am not working with the SQL Server Stack I like to get away to the Snow and spend time Snowboarding.
