Arc Enabled Data Services – 5

Arcdata CLI Suite

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In our previous post, we touched on the deployment of the Data Controller and being able to deploy via the Portal, Azure Data Studio, or CLI commands depending on whether you are implementing a directly or indirectly connected Data Controller.

Az Arcdata is a suite of CLI commands that allow command line management of the data controller and the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance once we have it configured.

A full list of CLI commands is available for az arcdata that allows for undertaking the following types of tasks:

  • Managing Active Directory Authentication
  • Creating and managing Arc Data Controllers
  • Defining custom templates
  • Creating and managing Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instances
  • Creating and managing Failover Groups to provide DR/BC capabilities
  • Restoring a database to the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance

Depending on the type of deployment you have implemented the Active Directory management is going to be slightly different due to directly connected mode utilizing Azure Active Directory and indirectly connected using Kubernetes authentication Active Directory for SQL endpoints.

The other component you will want to look at which will be different and you need to configure appropriately is the way you undertake patching/upgrades of the data controller versions. In a directly connected scenario, this can pull updated images directly from the Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). In Indirectly connected mode you will need to implement an approach to pull from the MCR and upload the images appropriately to your private container registry that your data controller has access to.

The same with usage data for billing purposes or logging and metrics data to upload into log analytics. Look at the export commands. Spend some time working through the commands based on your deployment scenario.

One response to “Arc Enabled Data Services – 5”

  1. […] Warwick Rudd continues a series on Azure Arc-Enabled Data Services. Part 5 takes us through what you can do with the Azure CLI: […]

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I am a Microsoft Data Platform MVP as well as a Microsoft Certified Master working as the Principal Consultant here at SQL Masters Consulting. When I am not working with the SQL Server Stack I like to get away to the Snow and spend time Snowboarding.
